Thursday, February 21, 2008

Interesting post

The topic that interests me the most is the topic about is making cars the produce no emmisions that affect the environment. I think that it is a great topic because this is the future of vehcile travel. I think in 10 years all cars will either be hybrids or hydrogen cars. I think that this topic is extremely chemistry related as well because they have to get the reactions just right so that they can only have water as product of all the reactions. Also the price in this field will drop so regular people like Ryan can buy these cars.

Ryan, Rogelio, Ben, Will

I think that their was some great topics in the blogs. The topics definitely varied throughout the class.  Like I thought Rogelio's topic about metal rubber is a  great topic because it sounds cool but we don't know what we can use it for. Then Ryan's topic about scramjets was probably my favorite because I like to travel. It is so cool that they can make a 7 hour flight 2 hours long. These are probably my favorite two out of the four that I visited.

Monday, February 4, 2008

What interests you???????????????????????????????????????

Science is really cool these days and this is the top five for me.
1. How can you make a car that doesn't produce any emmisions? This is just so cool and that they are going to actually start selling these cars soon. For example the Tesla Roadster
Or hydrogen cars they produce H2O.
2.Can we breed humans to have certain charcteristics like we do with dogs. For example could we have certain humans that excell in one thing like running or could we even have a human that can breathe under water. Click Here
3. The third thing that interests me is that can produce a laptop that is cheap can be distrubited to third world countries so that they can learn about chemistry. Click Here
4. The fourth thing that is interesting is can some thing be lit on fire if there is no gravity. Click Here
5. The fifth and final thing that interest me is how does a mood ring work and do is it actually work because it could just be a scam. Click Here

The one that interest me the most right now is how we can make a car that runs totally on electricity or a car that only produce water as a waste product not the deadly emissions being released by those huge dump trucks. If we want this planet still to operate correctly and not having huge glaciers melting every other week then we need to make a step in the right direction. These cars a huge step because a lot pollution comes from cars because most people drive cars and it is very to find a person who doesn't have a care in Delaware. The only people that don't have to change are the Amish because what emissions do they produce from their cars none because they don't have cars. Now we don't have to live like the amish but we have to change our living style to stop the pollution.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Chemistry Part One

There are many ways that chemistry can be used for good especially with today's technology. One of the ways that chemistry is being used for good today is by purifying water by using filters. This is being used for good because they can take this technology to third world countries where there isn't a sophisticated water system. A second way that chemistry is being used for good is by cleaning infected items. Like when a hospital needs to clean it's equipment. A third way is by making certain metals that make buildings that we all use like steel. A fourth way that chemistry is being used for good is by making vaccines for certain disease. The fifth way that chemistry is being used for good is by making cars that don't run on gasoline but actually run on electricity or ethanol.

Out of these projects I think that I like the most is being able to purify water for third world countries or making a car that can run on ethanol or electricity. I like these ideas the most because there is a need to provide a consistent water supply to third world countries. I also like that chemistry is being used to try and produce cars that don't affect the worlds emission level.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


This year honors chemistry has been great and fun. half of the reasin that it has been funny is because ben has been hilarous this year. Class has also been very good and i have learnt a lot. I can't wait see all the things that ben puts on his page this year. i hope the rest of the year as good as it has so far.