Monday, February 4, 2008

What interests you???????????????????????????????????????

Science is really cool these days and this is the top five for me.
1. How can you make a car that doesn't produce any emmisions? This is just so cool and that they are going to actually start selling these cars soon. For example the Tesla Roadster
Or hydrogen cars they produce H2O.
2.Can we breed humans to have certain charcteristics like we do with dogs. For example could we have certain humans that excell in one thing like running or could we even have a human that can breathe under water. Click Here
3. The third thing that interests me is that can produce a laptop that is cheap can be distrubited to third world countries so that they can learn about chemistry. Click Here
4. The fourth thing that is interesting is can some thing be lit on fire if there is no gravity. Click Here
5. The fifth and final thing that interest me is how does a mood ring work and do is it actually work because it could just be a scam. Click Here

The one that interest me the most right now is how we can make a car that runs totally on electricity or a car that only produce water as a waste product not the deadly emissions being released by those huge dump trucks. If we want this planet still to operate correctly and not having huge glaciers melting every other week then we need to make a step in the right direction. These cars a huge step because a lot pollution comes from cars because most people drive cars and it is very to find a person who doesn't have a care in Delaware. The only people that don't have to change are the Amish because what emissions do they produce from their cars none because they don't have cars. Now we don't have to live like the amish but we have to change our living style to stop the pollution.


Reiss said...

Mrs. Vosburgh wont let me make a link list so use the links in the post please

Megan said...

Hey this is really good. I definatly agree with the whole 'breeding humans' i dont know exactly how i really about it but i would deffinatley look more into that. it seems really cool to me. (a person who could breathe under water? WOW I WISH THAT WAS knnow how good of a swimmer i would be....even better than now haha) and also the whole car thing..we deffinatley need new ways NOW! good job!

phil said...

I dont think that breeding ppl is good. think about it if we bred ppl to be super good at sports and stuff then there would be no need to play any sports or anything because everyone would basically be perfect athletes so everything would basically be left to chance..and what if that person didnt like the sport they were genetically engineered to play then it would be a waste of money(assuming it cost money to do the genetic engineering) on the other hand we definitely need emission free cars because we are destroying the earth and that would be a huge first step to fixing the earth

Allison said...

haha u convinced me to become amish. great-u can expect me to show up outside of school with a horse someday soon-and maybe a nice handsome amish boy, too.
more about the post, tho. i think phil is right, but im talking more about in the future. i mean if we start breeding humans eventually one race is gonna become superior and we'll have another war on our hands. then noone will want to breed smart ppl because they wont want to loose their place by being the weakest link, so then society will crumble and fall with the lack of intelligent leadership. in short, if we do that, we're all doomed. maybe we should devote our efforts to making more reliable mood rings.

Will Lounsbury said...

i am going to disagree with the idea of genetic engineering. this is because i believe that we were made the way we are for a reason. pertaining to the fire inquiry, of course there can be fire as long in no gravity, provided there is oxygen, but nonetheless this would be an interesting experiment that could be done in outer space.

Ben said...

Hey Reiss good blog, I definitely agree with discovering cars that can run without producing any emissions. Cars are a major cause of pollution in the world, and they also waste gas which is expensive and it depletes our natural oil resources. I think you could have used a little more detail on a few of the topics, but other than that this blog is pretty much perfect.

Kallie Fehr said...

I agree with Phil and Will in the fact that we shouldn't mess too much with the human race. It would be cool to breathe underwater and stuff, but people should just be who they are without having a world of super humans. I do think that cars without an emmision would help our environment a lot and who knows what we could discover from learning what you can do with fire and no gravity... I would definitely be interested to ear more about that.

Rogelio said...

hey reiss, i kind of have to agree with the others in that breeding people is not good for many ethical and religious purposes. however, i thought it was cool how you could make a flame in space where there is no gravity. the other topic i found interesting was the mood ring because i did not know that they were designed to change color due to the temperature around you or within you. good job and keep up the good work.

nramone said...

I really enjoyed reading your thoughts about alternative fuels for cars. I agree with the fact that we need to find a better fuel source before its too late, and i think your blog shows how some chemistry is helping with that

ashbash! said...

mood rings = genius.
I pretty much know nothing about them and I'm still obsessed .. and now I get it!
